
Do you enjoy singing? Many of us do, whether it is with other people or just in the privacy of our own home. Our singing lessons are structured around technique and fun. Just like any style of dance, it is important to learn how to use your vocal muscles well and our classes will help you do just that. We will teach you all the techniques you will need to sing with confidence, not only as part of a group, but also on your own. All singing students get the opportunity to visit recording studios once a year to record vocals etc and at the end of our summer term ,we invite and industry professional (normally someone working in the west end) to come and be a part of our assessment panel to give feedback on how our pupils and students are getting on. As you progress through the levels you will get the opportunity to sing in harmony groups and in duets learning the finer details for performing. Singing lessons bring many benefits, whether for personal well-being, confidence or progression with your singing. We have seen our pupils grow with confidence whilst attending singing lessons with us – it is a joy to see.